Many life hacks are designed to save time and money, but these ones can also help you reduce your impact on our environment! Check out these 5 eco-friendly tips that can help you save money.

5 eco-friendly tips that can help you save money

  1. Take public transport. We know this is not always an option, but consider using public transport when you can. It is often cheaper than paying for gas or parking in urban areas.
  2. Browse second-hand markets. Whether it’s garage sales, thrift stores or using one of the many online marketplaces, shopping second-hand markets is a great way to reduce costs and save items from going to waste.
  3. Reduce daily appliance use. Large household appliances use a lot of energy and water that could cost you on your monthly bills. Consider some of these options for reducing their use:
    1. Hang clothes instead of using a dryer.
    2. Turn off fans and turn down your AC or furnace when you leave the house.
    3. Hand wash dishes instead of running a dishwasher.
    4. Consolidate loads of laundry for less washer cycles.
  4. Reuse and repurpose. Have some old clothes that can’t be donated? Consider cutting them into rags to be used around the house. This also saves on paper towels! You can also reuse glass and plastic packaging containers when it is safe to do so.
  5. Freeze food. If you notice fruits and vegetables nearing the end of their life, freeze them for future use in smoothies, pies, and stocks.

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