Moving licensed individuals online: you’ve helped us make some decisions

With your input, we’ve made some decisions around the licensing of individuals online.

First, some background…

We created an online business platform, called MyAccount, to reduce wait times, be more efficient and make life easier for you as one of our licensees. This has been a major multi-year project to move all our licensed sectors into MyAccount. We want debt collectors, bailiffs, debt repayment agents, funeral directors and embalmers to renew their licence online.

As part of this process, we have an opportunity to change some things that could make the process easier for you. We’re aware that each of your sectors is unique. When we began to explore different possibilities, we knew that your input was important to us to help make some key decisions. That’s why we asked you to participate in the survey.

Through our survey, we invited you to think about: 

  • Who renews the licence for licensed individuals –the business or the individual?
  • As a licensed individual, are you working (or would you work) at multiple locations?

Keeping in mind what we heard from you, we’ve made some decisions.

If you are new to this page and want some more context around this initiative, here’s some more information. 

Sharing the survey results and the decision is one of the ways to keep you updated throughout the process. We will be here to help along the way while we implement MyAccount for licensed individuals.

There are also some opportunities for input – we used the survey to hear your feedback, and we may also consider hosting a working group to assist with decision points on certain details.

We ask for your patience. This is not a simple transition and it’s going to take some time. Feel free to contact us during business hours if you have questions.