Fee review for 2022 – 2024: debt collection, bailiff and debt repayment

We are undertaking a fee review for all our licensed sectors. In 2020, we postponed our regularly scheduled fee review and deferred all fee increases, keeping all fees at 2020 rates for 2021. We made this decision because of the impact of COVID-19 to our licensed sectors in 2020 and 2021.

It is now time to conduct our fee review as originally scheduled in 2020.

As part of the process, we are providing an opportunity for feedback to all licensed debt collection, bailiffs, and debt repayment agencies in BC. This process closes on August 12, 2021, and we will give you 90-days’ notice prior to fee changes.

The consultation paper below includes an overview of our fee setting process, how we use fees, and how you can provide feedback on our fee review process.

Read the consultation paper.

Give us your feedback
The consultation paper provides information about the proposed fee changes and is an opportunity for you to provide feedback. To share your feedback on the proposed 2022 to 2024 fee changes and/or our fee review process, please take our survey.  

The deadline to provide feedback is August 12, 2021. 

What happens next? 
Once the survey closes and we have assessed your feedback, we will give you 90 days’ notice prior to any fee changes.